Stock Info

Stock price information of Daewoong Pharmaceutical

Stock Price Info

069620 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Ordinary Stocks

Real-time market price 2025/01/21 16:34:48
Present value
Net change
up 4,500(3.55%)
Trading Value
Transaction amount
Stock Info
Market price 127,100
High 131,800
Low 126,800
PER 12.32
No. of listed stocks 11,586,575
Stock Info
Ceiling 164,800
Floor 88,800
Face value 2500
52 weeks
(based on closing price)
High 164,400
Low 100,100
Asking Price
Sales Remainder Asking Price Purchase Remainder
282 131,000
332 130,500
2 130,400
11 130,300
33 130,000
131,700 68
131,600 388
131,500 379
131,400 91
131,300 272
660 Remainder Sum 1,198
Trade Price by Time
Time Trade Price Compared to Yesterday Asking Sales Price Asking Purchase Price Purchase Remainder
15:30:00 131,300 up 4,500 131,300 131,000 130
15:19:40 131,300 up 4,500 131,300 131,000 8
15:19:30 131,300 up 4,500 131,300 131,100 2
15:19:10 131,000 up 4,200 131,300 131,100 70
15:18:40 131,300 up 4,500 131,300 131,200 14
15:18:30 131,300 up 4,500 131,300 131,100 16
15:18:10 131,400 up 4,600 131,400 131,300 43
15:17:50 131,400 up 4,600 131,400 131,300 1
15:17:30 131,300 up 4,500 131,400 131,300 2
15:17:20 131,300 up 4,500 131,400 131,300 15
Transaction by Member Company
Top Seller Top Buyer
Securities Company Trade Volume Securities Company Trade Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 5,788 Shinhan Investment C 5,347
Shinhan Investment C 4,285 Korea Investment S 5,131
MRASDW 3,873 JPMorgan Securitie 2,891
Samsung Securities C 3,833 Samsung Securities C 2,490
Korea Investment S 3,542 YSK 2,129
Market Price per Day
Date Closing Price Compared to Yesterday Market Price High Low Trade Volume Transaction Amount
25/01/21 131,300 up 4,500 127,100 131,800 126,800 32,252 4,185,120,400
25/01/20 126,800 drop 3,200 130,000 130,600 125,900 43,557 5,530,952,900
25/01/17 130,000 drop 300 129,800 131,200 128,800 22,090 2,871,893,800
25/01/16 130,300 up 1,700 129,200 132,500 129,200 18,915 2,467,563,600
25/01/15 128,600 drop 3,100 132,900 133,300 128,200 29,762 3,849,387,400
25/01/14 131,700 drop 2,100 134,400 134,400 130,900 18,937 2,497,401,500
25/01/13 133,800 up 3,200 132,600 137,300 131,400 46,698 6,271,966,800
25/01/10 130,600 drop 2,100 132,700 132,700 127,600 43,857 5,695,750,800
25/01/09 132,700 up 7,500 129,000 134,000 127,200 85,717 11,241,680,700
25/01/08 125,200 drop 1,400 125,600 129,500 125,200 28,957 3,664,690,100