We aim to be a global healthcare leader, going beyond the Korean market
Growth to a global healthcare group
Present ~ 2020
- 2024
- Received the Minister of Health and Welfare Award as an Excellent Innovative Pharmaceutical Company
- Nabota,' 'Fexuclue,' and 'Envlo' selected as World-Class Products (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy / KOTRA)
- ‘Envlo’ obtained product approval in Ecuador
- Launched botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ in Malaysia
- Launched botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’ (Korean product name: Nabota) in Australia
- Liaoning Daewoong Pharmaceutical in China collaborates with Shenyang Dasan Research Institute for chronic constipation drug development
- Launched ‘Fexuclue’ simultaneously in Mexico, Chile, and Ecuador in Latin America
- ‘Bersiporocin’ demonstrated safety as approved by the IDMC (Pulmonary fibrosis treatment)
- ‘Nabota’ became the first domestically-produced botulinum toxin to obtain product approval in Argentina
- Selected as an ‘Innovative Pharmaceutical Company’ by Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare
- Signed a research collaboration MOU with IPB in Indonesia for primate studies
- Launched botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’ (Korean product name: Nabota) in Spain
- ‘Fexuclue,’ the 34th domestically-developed new drug, achieved 100 billion won in sales
- Nabota' received the 2024 Korea Representative Brand Award in the botulinum toxin category
- Held the 10th-anniversary symposium for the domestic launch of botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’
- Received the ‘2024 Global ESG Human Rights Management Certification’ award
- Won the award for the ‘2024 Best Company for Parents to Work’ in Korea
- Built its proprietary AI-based drug development system ‘DAISY’
- Pulmonary fibrosis drug ‘Bersiporocin’ designated as an orphan drug by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
- 2023
- ‘Bersiporocin’ research selected as an outstanding project in the High-Performance category of the 2023 National New Drug Development Project
- Signed an export contract for diabetes drug ‘Envlo’ with Russia and CIS countries
- Signed a comprehensive MOU with China’s pharmaceutical trade company, Meheco International
- The Osong plant passed Brazil ANVISA inspection with no defects
- ‘Fexuclue,’ a gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment, obtained product approval in Mexico
- Selected as the ‘2023 Best Company to Work for in Asia’
- Botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ obtained a patent in the U.S. for migraine treatment
- Botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ obtained product approval in Malaysia
- Botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ became the world’s first to obtain approval for square jaw treatment
- Launched gastroesophageal reflux disease treatment ‘Fexuclue’ in the Philippines
- Obtained the 1st place in terms of the customers’ most reliable vitamin for ‘Impactamin’
- ‘Nuceiva’ (Korean product name: Nabota), a botulinum toxin, launched in Italy
- Issued its first sustainable management report
- Executed an agreement for ‘Fexuclue’ with ‘Cooper Pharma,’ a Moroccan pharmaceuticals company
- Obtained product approval in Korea for ‘Envlomet,’ a diabetes combination drug
- Launched a new drug ‘Envlo Tab,’ the first made-in-Korea SGLT-2 inhibitor for diabetes treatment in Korea
- Won the Grand Prize in the field of botulinum toxin for the 2023 Korea Representative Brand with ‘Nabota’ for two consecutive years
- Won the ‘Customers’ Mostly Recommended Brand’ with ‘Ursa’ for two consecutive years
- Signed a joint research contract with Oncorus in US for new mRNA anticancer drugs
- Obtained approval for botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’ (Korean product name: Nabota) in Australia
- Signed a contract with CS Pharmaceuticals to export the technology of Bersiporocin, a new drug for pulmonary fibrosis, to East Asian culture sphere
- Obtained product approval in Ecuador for the first time in Central and South America for ‘Fexuclue’, a new drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Obtained product approval in Singapore for ‘Nabota’, a botulinum toxin
- ’Envlo’, a new drug for diabetes treatment, won the Grand Prize at the Korea New Drug Award
- Selected as ‘South Korea’s 100 Best Companies to Work For’
- ‘Envlo’, a new diabetes treatment drug, signed a contract with M8 Pharmaceuticals for export to Brazil and Mexico
- ‘Nuceiva’ (Korean product name: Nabota), a botulinum toxin, launched in Germany and Austria
- Acquired product approval in Chile for gastroesophageal reflux disease drug Fexuclue
- 2022
- Company certified as ‘a good company to work for’ and selected as ‘the most familyfriendly company’ in 2022
- Company received the silver prize in the smart factory category of the national quality team competition
- ‘Envlo’, a new diabetes treatment drug as a new diabetic drug approved in Korea
- DWN12088, a new drug for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, selected for a national new drug development project
- a new drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease ‘Fexuclue’, approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the Philippines
- Launched botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’(Korean product name: Nabota) in the UK
- Approved a phase 1 clinical trial of DWP213388, a new drug candidate being developed for autoimmune diseases from the U.S. FDA
- Acquired permission for cell processing facility for CDMO business
- Received fasttrack designation from the U.S. FDA for the first time as a new drug for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Korea
- Launched ‘Fexuclue Tablet’, a new drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease in Korea
- Declared the 2030 Global No. 1 vision for drug formulation technology
- Acquired sales license of Botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ in Saudi Arabia and Ukraine
- Succeeded in Phase 3 clinical trial for Botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ for the first time in the world to improve square jaw
- Approved Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Enavogliflozin, a new diabetes drug in China
- Won the grand prize for ‘Fexuclue’ in the new drug development sector of the Korea New Drug Development Awards
- 2021
- Yoon Jae-chun appointed vice chairman of Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Daewoong to be led by joint representative directors Jeon Seung-ho and Lee Chang-jae
- Achieved record sales of 1.153 trillion won in 2021
- Application filed for permission of sale of botulinum toxin 'Nabota' in China
- Contracts signed for Fexuprazan, a new drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease, for market entry in China, the United States, four countries in Central and South America, and six countries in the Middle East
- Acquired domestic sales approval of Fexuclue for gastroesophageal reflux disease, as the 34th domestically developed drug
- V-Olet, an injection to reduce excessive jaw fat has been released
- Rebamipide-based gastritis treatment 'Mucotra SR Tab. 150mg' has been released
- 'DWN12088', a new drug for fibrosis, has been additionally designated a rare drug by FDA
- Received government funding for manufacturing equipment of COVID-19 treatment drug DWRX2003
- Obtained approval for advanced biologics manufacturing; company begins engaging in the CDMO business
- Selected No. 10 Best Place to Work in Asia
- Received the '2021 Korea PR Grand Prize' for public and public interest campaigns
- Received the Grand Prize for Trustworthy Management for '100 Best Places to Work in Korea 2020'
- Signed a clinical MOU with the Indonesian government for COVID-19 treatment
- Provided practical training program for selected Indonesian pharmaceutical talents
- 2020
- Developed COVID-19 treatment and selected for a government-sponsored project
- Concluded agreements with Seasun Biomaterials and Genomictree to supply COVID-19 test kits
- Selected as a company with the highest grade in work innovation (Grade SS)
- Obtained “Best HRD” in 2020, a certification for human resources development
- Obtained “KOSHA-MS,” a certification for the safety and health management system
- Novel diabetes drug Enavogliflozin designated for expedited review for the first time in Korea and conducted a phase 3 clinical trial
- Registered as a bio-pharmaceutical accelerator, and sign an MOU with Gyeongsangnam-do, Gimhae, and Inje University
- Established iN Therapeutics, a drug discovery company (spun off from Daewoong Pharmaceutical)
- AEON Biopharma, a partner company in the botulinum toxin market for advanced countries, approved for a phase 2 clinical trial in the US
- Selected as a company to be supported by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MDFS) for Quality by Design (QbD)
- Independently developed botulinum toxin Nabota obtained marketing authorization in Taiwan and Brazil
- Obtained halal certification for Easyef Topical Solution and Epodion through Daewoong Infion, a joint venture in Indonesia
- Concluded agreements with Mexico and Brazil to export the next-gen gastroesophageal reflux disease drug Fexuprazan
- Established AffyXell Therapeutics, a joint venture specializing in cellular therapeutics, with the British biotech company Avacta
'Through open collaboration
Reinforcing world-class competitiveness'
- 2019
- Daewoong Pharmaceutical alone surpassed KRW 1 trillion in sales volume for the first time
- Acquired International Quality Management System Standard ISO9001
- Completed phase 3 clinical tests for the next-generation gastroesophageal reflux disease medicine, ‘Fexuprazan’
- Received ‘Best 100 Companies to Work at in Korea’ award
- Received Minister of Employment and Labor Award at the ‘2019 Company Togetherness Awards & CSR Film Festival’
- Government Innovative Pharmaceutical Company award
- Launched proprietarily developed botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’ (Canadian product name) in Canada
- Received sales permit in Europe for proprietarily developed botulinum toxin ‘Nuceiva’ (European product name)
- Acquired International Environmental Safety and Health Certification 'ISO 14001', 'ISO 45001'
- US FDA designated new pulmonary fibrosis drug DWN12088 as rare drug
- URSA 300mg’, acquired indication for ‘prevention of gallstone after stomach incision’ for the first time in the world
- Officially launched proprietarily developed botulinum toxin ‘Jeuveau’ (US product name) in the US
- Launched ‘Olomax’ which simultaneously targeting high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia
- Officially opened ‘Daewoong Pharmaceutical News Room’
- ‘Nabota’ phase 3 clinical trial results in US was published in SCI-level international academic journal
- Investment cooperation with Vietnam’s largest pharmaceutical company ‘Traphaco’
- New pulmonary fibrosis drug DWN12088 selected as government-supported project
- Hyangnam plant acquired International Safety Health Management System Standard ISO 45001
- Internally developed botulinum toxin approved by USFDA, being the first in Asia
- 2018
- Acquired Anti-Corruption Management System ‘ISO 37001’
- Quality Circle received Presidential Gold and Silver Award at the ‘National Quality Management Convention’
- Nabota acquired the first eye wrinkle indication among domestic botulinum toxin
- Quality Circle received the first Grand Prize at the 2018 International Convention on QC Circles (ICQC2018) in the pharmaceutical industry
- Established ‘Health Life/Technology Coexistence Fund’
- Nabota plant received EU GMP approval
- Nabota plant received Canadian GMP approval
- Established ‘Daewoong Infion’ bio research center in Indonesia
- New drug DWP14012 selected as government-supported project
- Nabota plant received cGMP approval in the US
- Chairman Yoon Jae-seung, Vice-chairman Lee Jong Wook resigned
- Yoon Jae-Chun, Jeon Sengho appointed as CEO to begin professional management system
- 2017
- 'Daewoong Infion’ selected as the best bio pharmaceutical company award
- Completed Nabota Plant 2 with 4.5 million vials production capability annually
- Completed construction of the Osong Plant in Chungbuk with high-tech cGMP facilities
- Hyangnam plant re-certified as ‘2017 Gyeonggi Good Work Place Company (GGWP)’
- 2016
- Acquired certification for Outstanding Human Resource Development Institute
- Daewoong Pharmaceutical Research Center ‘Daewoong Bio Center’ completed
- Prime Minister’s Citation for 'Good Gender Equality Employment Company’
- Antibiotic 'Daewoong Meropenem Injection' acquired US FDA approval
- Received ‘AA’ rating for two consecutive years from the Fair Trade Commission’s '2016 CP ratings'
- 2015
- Began construction of new plant in Osong, Chungbuk with cGMP levels
- Honorary Chairman Yoon Young-hwan received ‘Most Respected Entrepreneur of Korea Award’
- Established ‘Ggeumteul Ggeumteul Playground’, an obstacle-free playground at Seoul Children’s Park
- Began co-operation with Hanol Bio Pharma
- Completed the ‘Daewoong Infion’ bio plant in Indonesia
- Received Presidential Award on Fair Trade Day
- Olostar received ‘Technology Award’ at the 16th Korean New Drug Awards, New Drug Development Sector
- Received CP rating of ‘AA’
- Inauguration of Lee Jong Wook as vice-chairman
- 2014
- Received Prime Minister’s Award in science technology at the ‘Korean New Growth Management Awards’
- ‘Nabota’ selected as world-class product (MOTIE, KOTRA)
- Selected for the ‘2014 Gyeonggi Good Work Place Company’ (Gyeonggi Small and Medium Business Center, Gyeonggi-do)
- Established ‘Daewoong Pharmaceutical Liaoning Research Institute’ in China
- Established Japanese corporation
- Inauguration of Yoon Jae-seung as chairman, and Yoon Young-hwan as honorary chairman
- Received AA in corporate credit rating
- Selected as ‘work-study program’ company (HRD Korea)
- Launched botulinum toxin ‘Nabota’ in Korea
- Launched new compound Olmesartan-Rosuvastatin drug 'Olostar' in Korea
- Received ‘Technology Export Award’ at the Korean Drug Development Awards (Korea Drug Research Association)
- 2013
- Received Prime Minister’s Award for Family-friendly Company
- Acquired 2013 Family-friendly Company certification
- Received 2013 Innovative Pharmaceutical Company Award
- Acquired Chinese pharmaceutical company ‘Baifeng’ to establish Liaoning Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- Credit rating predicted to be upgraded to A+Positive
- Registered utility model for the ‘Caretropin Pen Injection’ in Russia
- 2012
- Established ‘Daewoong-Infion’ joint-venture in Indonesia
- Established corporation in India
- ‘Caretropin Pen Injection’ received ‘2011-2012 World Star Award’
- Selected for the Global Corporate Fostering Project in 'World Class 300'
- Selected as 'Innovative Pharmaceutical Company’
- 2011
- Opened the first in-company childcare facility in pharmaceutical industry ‘Little Bear Day Care Center’
- Pen injection received Minister of Knowledge and Economy
- URSA and Albis received quality certification (GH)
- Family-friendly company certification extended to the end of 2013
- 2010
- URSA selected as world-class product
- Implemented world’s first herpes labialis treatment with recurrence prevention effects
Daewoong introduced its outstanding R&D capabilities by developing "first-in-class“ and "best-in-class" products
2009 ~ 2000
- 2009
- Next-generation pain killer new drug DWP05195 began clinical trials
- Established pharmaceutical research institute in India
- Received Prime Minister’s Award at the 'National Productivity Awards’
- Established US corporation
- 2008
- Established corporation in Thailand
- Acquired outstanding family-friendly company from Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs
- Awarded at National Productivity Awards (leadership, innovation activities sector)
- Established obstacle-free playground at the National Assembly‘s day care center
- Received appreciation plaque from Yongwol-gun office for the Yongwol ‘1 Company 1 Village' program
- Received ‘Korean Association on Smoking and Health Chairman’s Appreciation Plaque’ on No Smoking Day
- Easyef received the first international common name certified from WHO
- 2007
- Established corporation in the Philippines
- Corporate credit rating upgraded to A+
- Selected as outstanding labor-management culture company
- Selected as outstanding company for productivity improvement at the Productivity and Innovation Awards
- Released Korea’s first 100mg high-content CoQ10
- Released high-content vitamin B compound ‘Impactamin Power’
- 2006
- Established branch in China
- Minister of Health and Welfare award for family-friendly company
- Established obstacle-free playground at Seoul Forest
- Lee Jong Wook inaugurated as CEO
- 2005
- Established corporation in Indonesia
- 'Daewoong Coenzyme Q10' awarded by Minister of Health and Welfare Award at the Health Industry Technology Conference
- 'Daewoong Coenzyme Q10' received Jang Young-shil Award
- Appreciation plaque during parliamentary inspection by the Health and Welfare Committee
- 2004
- Established Vietnam office
- Donation to Beautiful Store (Nonhyeon Store)
- 2003
- Daewoong Pharmaceutical Hyangnam Plant acquired ISO14001
- Hyangnam Plant acquired International Safety Health Management System certification OHSAS18001
- Completed high-tech automated logistics center / implemented APS system
- Successfully developed Coenzyme Q10 for the second time in the world
- 2002
- Grand Prize at the Korea Digital Awards
- Received Economic Justice Award
- Daewoong and Daewoong Pharmaceutical split up
- 2001
- Easyef received KT (New Technology Certification Mark)
- Launched world’s first number 1 biotechnology new drug Easyef which is developed in Korea
- 2000
- Hyangnam plant certified as outstanding manufacturing plant (KAIST)
Bold R&D investments and entered of new drug development
1999 ~ 1990
- 1999
- Entered phase 2 for Easyef
- 1998
- Chairman Yoon Young-hwan received Order of Civil Merit, Camellia Medal
- Implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) system
- 1997
- Yoon Jae-seung inaugurated as CEO
- Easyef won the Chungmugong Patent Technology Award
- Received Minister of Education Award at the Industry-Academic Cooperation Awards
- 1996
- Received Facility Management Award at the National Quality Convention
- Received Minister of Education Award at the Industry-Academic Cooperation Awards
- 1995
- Began full operation of the Management Information System
- 1994
- Received Economic Justice Award
- Sales exceeded 100 billion KRW
- Lee Cheol-bae appointed as honorary chairman
- 1992
- Received Prime Minister’s Award on Labor Day
- Completed Hyangnam KGMP plant 2
- 1991
- Prime Minister’s Award at the Industry Promotion Agency Quality Master Awards
- Labor Peace Award (Labor and Industriousness Award) from Central Labor Economic Research Institute
- Received Outstanding Trademark Award from the Korea Intellectual Property Office
- Received Presidential Award by the Ministry of Labor on Labor Day
- Received Appreciation Plaque at the 37th General Conference of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association
The first exports, in pharmaceutical industry, to the Soviet Union
- 1990
- Received Korea International Trade Association Chairman Award for increased exports
- Received presidential award for the 5 million USD export tower
- Received silver medal (indirect sector) Prime Minister’s Award at the National Quality Management Circle Convention
Built foundation for technological partnerships and ventures with foreign companies
1989 ~ 1980
- 1989
- Received gold medal (direct sector) Prime Minister’s Award at the National Quality Management Circle Convention
- Received gold medal at the National Quality Management Convention
- Developed Pharmaceutical Medical Journal Management Program (PMS)
- 1988
- Moved HQ to Samseong-dong
- 1987
- Received Order of Iron Tower Industry for labor-management sector
- Received Order of Iron Tower Industry for science technology sector
- Received Minister of Health and Society Award for increased exports of pharmaceutical products
- Received presidential award on Science Day (Order of Iron Tower Industry)
- Received presidential award for 2 million USD export
- Received presidential award on Labor Day Received (Order of Iron Tower Industry)
- Received the first genetic engineering patent in Korea
- 1986
- Received Minister of Health and Society Award for export contributions
- Designated as KGMP-eligible company
- URSA - Designated as official provider for Asian Games and the ‘88 Seoul Olympics
- 1985
- Yoon Young-hwan appointed as chairman, Lee Cheol-bae appointed as president
- 1984
- Received approval to establish central research institute
- Completed construction of Daewoong Lilly Plant
- 1983
- Employees began to move-in into new employee apartments
- Received Korea Management Awards (education)
Established central research institute
- 1982
- Established Daewoong Lilly Pharmaceutical
- Received Order of Gold Tower Industry on Tax Day
- 1981
- Moved HQ to Seocho-dong
- 1980
- Sales exceeded 10 billion KRW
Growth to Korea’s top pharmaceutical company
1979 ~ 1970
- 1979
- Completed production facilities for injection-type antibiotics, opened hospital department
- 1978
Changed company name to Daewoong Pharmaceutical
- 1977
- Excellence award at the Corporate Public Announcement Conference
- 1976
- Raw materials and technology partnership with Gitse Siraimasu Pharmaceutical of Japan
- Began publication of Daewoong Newsletter
- 1974
- Establish Subsidiary Pharmaceutical Research Center
- 1973
- IPO (4th in pharmaceutical industry)
- 1972
- Completed Seongnam plant and moved HQ to Seoul
Daewoong’s dream to build a national company that can contribute to society
1969 ~ 1945
- 1966
- Yoon Young-hwan appointed as CEO
- 1961
- Changed company name to Daehan Vitamin Industries (CEO Park Moon-soo, capital 10 million KRW)
Launched URSA
- 1959
- Moved to new building in Choeup-dong, Busan
- 1954
- Approval for pharmaceutical product manufacturing (Ministry of Health and Society No. 43)
- 1949
- Received Vice President Award at the outstanding domestic product exhibit for the first time in Korea
- 1945
- Founded Joseon Ganyu Pharmaceutical Company